[pybsddb] Re: [Python-Dev] Looking for a Windows bsddb fan

Tim Peters tim.one@comcast.net
Sat, 25 Jan 2003 14:29:45 -0500

[Gregory P. Smith]
> I don't get these errors under linux or windows using the latest pybsddb
> cvs and python 2.2.2.  (berkeleydb 4.1.25)

Which flavor of Windows?  I have much better luck on Win2K, where the tests
have often passed with no glitches.  The

   DBAgainError: (11, 'Resource temporarily unavailable -- unable
                       to join the environment')

business has occurred every time on Win98SE, although how often, and in
which tests, varies across runs.

> Occasionally there are DBDeadlockErrors that come up in the threading
> tests (more often on windows) but they are appropriate and non fatal to
> the tests.

Good to know.  I've seen that too, but much less often than DBAgainError on

> I haven't tried python 2.3a from cvs.
> Can you verify that the build/db_home directory created to use for the
> test DB environment & DB files is cleared out when you run test.py

What would the parent directory of build/db_home be?  I see no such
directory on Win98SE.