[Python-Dev] Interop between datetime and mxDateTime

Tim Peters tim.one@comcast.net
Mon, 13 Jan 2003 13:55:13 -0500

>     tm = timeobject.timetuple()

> This is specified in the proposal as returning local time if the
> timeobject knows about timezones.  Unfortunately, the datetime module
> has timezone support built in, but in such a way that no knowledge of
> actual timezones is built into it.  In particular, the datetime module
> is agnostic of the local timezone rules and regulations.  We currently
> support timetuple() but it always returns the "naive time" represented
> by a datetime object (stripping the timezone info rather converting to
> local time).

FYI, the time zone info object is consulted by timetuple(), but only to set
the result's tm_isdst flag.