[Python-Dev] Re: Package Install Manager for Python

Mats Wichmann mats@laplaza.org
Tue, 18 Feb 2003 09:24:04 -0700

 >I just don't view it as that insulting.  In America it has
 >become a slang term to mean something is cool; "That's so pimp!"

Jeez, I'm clearly getting old, never heard this one.

 >I don't think that's going to fly... just think of a
 >user manual: "Please use the pimp for your platform to
 >download piddle from the Internet. After successful
 >operation, click on idle to start off into working mode."
 >Must be a cultural thing...

Hardly, it's well known we "Yanks" don't have any (culture).

What we also don't have any longer is a collective sense
of humor in the use of language (we can find _anything_
offensive), which suggests we should be barred from suggesting
names for anything :-)

The first definition in my dictionary for pimp is
simply "procurer".