[Python-Dev] Changes to logging

M.-A. Lemburg mal@lemburg.com
Sat, 15 Feb 2003 16:42:30 +0100

Vinay Sajip wrote:
> For point 5, I'm not sure how best to handle Unicode support, so I'm
> canvassing suggestions. The API allows overriding of the message formatting
> logic at various stages - LogRecord, Handler or Formatter. This makes it
> fairly easy to provide arbitrary custom logic for Unicode encoding, etc. The
> change I've made allows for simple default processing - a "defaultEncoding"
> attribute defaulted to "latin_1" has been added to logging.

You should use sys.getdefaultencoding() for this. Python's default
encoding is "ascii", BTW, not "latin-1".

> Currently, the
> message format string is determined via LogRecord.getMessage(), which does a
> str() on the passed in message argument passed to the logging call. Under
> the proposed change:
> - If the running Python has no Unicode support, the system does a str(), as
> it does currently.
> - If the message argument is not a Unicode string, the system does a str(),
> as it does currently.
> - If the message argument is a Unicode string (type(msg) ==
> types.UnicodeType), the system does a msg.encode(defaultEncoding).

Perhaps there's some other reason, but why do you apply special
treatment to Unicode ? Unicode objects behave pretty much the
same as strings do, so the special casing doesn't seem necessary.

I'd only do the str() call on objects which are not string types.

> The resulting string is treated as the format string and the % operator
> applied with the arguments to obtain the final message string.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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