[Python-Dev] Codecs data

M.-A. Lemburg mal@lemburg.com
Tue, 11 Feb 2003 23:53:50 +0100

M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
> Gustavo Niemeyer wrote:
>> I belive we have a problem in our current codecs implementation: it
>> doesn't work for multiple interpreter states, because the data is
>> currently statically allocated in codecs.c. That way, only the first
>> interpreter is going to have the codecs lookup working. The following
>> interpreters will try to cross the interpreter state boundary and use
>> the lookup function from the first interpreter, issuing all kinds of
>> weird errors.
>> One solution would be to store that data in the "sys" module
>> (e.g. codec_search_path, codec_search_cache, codec_inited).
>> Can you please advice on how to fix that? I'll be willing to provide
>> a fix with the proposed solution.
> Martin had the idea to put these globals (along with other
> similar globals) in the thread state structure. I believe that's
> the right approach or at least hints in the right direction (we
> don't want the globals to be per thread, but there doesn't
> seem to be a better place).

Hmm, there is something called PyInterpreterState. Perhaps that's
what we want ?! (and Martin was thinking about)

> Also see:
> https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=663074&group_id=5470&atid=105470 

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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