[Python-Dev] thunks

Tim Peters tim.one@comcast.net
Tue, 04 Feb 2003 17:18:32 -0500

[M.-A. Lemburg]
> Tim, what have you been putting into Guido's coffee the last few
> days ? Colons seem to have grown magical expressiveness and now he
> even likes lambdas ;-)

Guido recently had a birthday, and I think he finally realized that, if
things continue this way, someday he'll be as old as I am.  Strange things
happen when you realize your useful life is nearly over.  For example, when
that happened to me, I moved to Virginia.  Now Guido is about the age I was
then, so it's his turn to ruin his life.  Unfortunately, unlike me, he can
take the rest of us down with him <wink>.

first-you-soften-toward-lambda-then-you-seek-lawrence-welk-reruns-ly y'rs
   - tim