[Python-Dev] python-dev Summary for 2003-01-16 through 2003-01-31

Christian Tismer tismer@tismer.com
Sun, 02 Feb 2003 06:35:04 +0100

Brett Cannon wrote:
> Well, my brain didn't pop from the extended syntax thread, so I am happy.
> =)  Why did you guys have to have such a major discussion at the end of
> the month (and have an explosion of big emails right at the end no less!)?
> And of course I decide to try to introduce something new in this summary
> that upped my workload.  Lucky me.  =)  OK, enough complaining (oh wait, I
> don't get paid for this; I guess I can complain  =).

Please, complain more. If you were employed, you
should ask for compensation for pain and suffering.

I have not followed this thread (happy me + unlucky me.)
And I don't intend to write a summary (lucky me.)

After trying to follow it partially and failing
completely, I'm asking if there is an alternate
way of discussing such matters?
There is no way of reading this thread for me.
I cannot get it into any shape, since I haven't
followed it online. This will be a similar
problem for anybody who tries to read it after
the fact, like me (with similar incapabilities).

worst-python-dev-experience-I-ever-had -- chris