[Python-Dev] When is it okay to ``cvs remove``?

Barry Warsaw barry@python.org
24 Apr 2003 23:19:57 -0400

On Thu, 2003-04-24 at 18:59, Thomas Wouters wrote:

> That's not particularly useful. The only thing that does is create a period
> in time (or rather, 'history' -- CVS history) in which test_urllib.py
> doesn't exist. Re-adding the file won't give you a fresh version numbering
> either, it'll just give you a lot of headaches, especially when there are
> branches involved (right, Barry ? :-)

And one thing we do /not/ need is more headaches with cvs. :)

The specific problem I've been fighting with (in Mailman's cvs) is that
I've cvs rm'd some binary files, but both a cvs checkout and a cvs
export continue to resurrect the files when I provide -r on the initial
command.  If I do a checkout of the trunk, then cvs up to the tag, the
file goes away as intended.  Sigh.

> Just commit your new test_urllib.py directly, when it's all done, using
> something like
>     cvs commit -r2.0 test_urllib.py
> But you probably want to discuss the version number you want to force, Guido
> might like to reserve 2.0 for something (although I think he should use
> '3000' instead :)

I know Guido doesn't care, but I like to have the file major revision
numbers match the s/w's major rev number.  Really, I just hate to see
huge minor revision numbers on files.  I hate it as much as I hate to
hear Tim's tummy rumbling, right around noon.
