[Python-Dev] 3-way result of PyObject_IsTrue() considered PITA

M.-A. Lemburg mal@lemburg.com
Wed, 16 Apr 2003 13:26:22 +0200

Raymond Hettinger wrote:
> The docs for PyObject_IsTrue() promise that the "function 
> always succeeds".  But in reality it can return an error 
> result if an underlying method returns an error.
> The calls in ceval.c and elsewhere are cluttered and slowed
> by trying to handle all three possibilities.  In other places
> (like bltinmodule.c and pyexpat.c), the result is used directly
> in an "if(result)" clause that ignores the possibility of an
> error return.
> Instead of fixing the docs, do you guys think there may
> be merit in returning False whenever explicit Truth isn't 
> found?  Favoring practicality over silent error passage?

Hmm, I've checked my sources and found that I am assuming
the documented behaviour, ie. the function never fails.
The Zope sources also assume this behaviour and many other
extensions probably do too... (we really need a repository
of available open source code for Python which makes grepping
these things easier, oh well).

> This would simplify the use of the function, honor the
> promise in the docs, and match usage in code that had not 
> considered an error result. The function and its callers will 
> end-up a little smaller, a little faster, and a little more consistent.
> Also, reasoning about truth values will be a tad simpler.
> Note, similar thoughts also apply to PyObject_Not().

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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