[Python-Dev] float atime/mtime/ctime - a bad idea?

Barry A. Warsaw barry@python.org
Wed, 16 Oct 2002 11:31:02 -0400

>>>>> "MvL" == Martin v Loewis <martin@v.loewis.de> writes:

    >> But you may end up ping ponging between floats and ints as you
    >> import new libraries into your app.  If, as you surmise, most
    >> code won't care, then that won't be a real problem.

    MvL> With Guido's most recent suggestion (put ints into the
    MvL> tuple), it is even more likely that nothing will break if
    MvL> floats are activated (we should investigate the two known
    MvL> incidents to find out whether they were using the tuple
    MvL> interface).

Cool, that sounds like the best compromise.
