[Python-Dev] Unclear on the way forward with unsigned integers

Tim Peters tim.one@comcast.net
Mon, 07 Oct 2002 18:02:37 -0400

[Thomas Wouters]
> We've already been there (2.0 -> 2.1 -> 2.2) and that's exactly
> what we did.

Cool!  Then it's exactly as I expected:  it works so well, nobody thought to
mention it <wink>.

> Customers had several months, some more, to notice warnings about
> deprecated features and the like, and to use the __future__  import
> if they wanted newer features. That gives us a very justified 'too
> bad' if they come complaining afterwards anyway.

That was all the intent.

> It also inspires more trust from the more, uhm, 'traditional'
> companies if you have a clear and documented upgrade path for
> software.

Let's quit here while we're ahead <0.9 wink>.