[Python-Dev] Non-ASCII characters in test_pep277.py in 2.3

Barry A. Warsaw barry@python.org
Mon, 7 Oct 2002 12:39:49 -0400

>>>>> "SM" == Sjoerd Mullender <sjoerd@acm.org> writes:

    SM> When I execute the three lisp form that were mentioned in the
    SM> page I pointed you to*, my XEmacs does recognize utf-8
    SM> encoding automatically.

Ah, I had to restart XEmacs.  I added those lines to my .emacs file,
restart, and visited test_pep277.py, and sure enough I see (the right)
funny characters too. :)

Thanks.  Now I wonder if I can get utf-8 encoded RFC 2047 headers to
work in email.
