[Python-Dev] tests failing in 2.2.2

Guido van Rossum guido@python.org
Fri, 04 Oct 2002 11:00:33 -0400

[Neal Norwitz]
> Is anyone else having problems with 2.2.2 tests?
> minidom & sax fail for me on Linux:
> test_sax
> test test_sax skipped -- cannot import name quoteattr
> test_minidom
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "Lib/test/test_minidom.py", line 636, in ?
>     func()
>   File "Lib/test/test_minidom.py", line 208, in testAAA
>     "setAttribute() sets ownerDocument")
>   File "Lib/test/test_minidom.py", line 22, in confirm
>     raise Exception
> Exception
> I'm off for a long weekend.  I'll be back late Monday.

Both tests work fine for me.  I expect there's a problem with your
expat installation.  Maybe Fred has a suggestion?

--Guido van Rossum (home page: http://www.python.org/~guido/)