[Python-Dev] Re: PEP 285 (Adding a bool type) extending it further

Martin v. Loewis martin@v.loewis.de
04 Oct 2002 07:59:24 +0200

Marcelo Matus <mmatus@dinha.acms.arizona.edu> writes:

> Yes, I can use the &,|,~ operators,  and that is what I am doing right now.
> But your question also apply to the boolean type:
>    can't you just use an integer type and leave it like that?

I'm uncertain what you are trying to achieve. If you want to convince
people, hoping that they will just see the light rarely
works. Instead, you have to proceed in a diplomatic manner. If you
feel resistance, analyse where this resistance comes from, and try to
soften it by means of negotiation.

Giving snippy responses probably won't help your cause.
