[Python-Dev] New bugtracker project

Gary Herron gherron@islandtraining.com
Tue, 21 May 2002 17:24:16 -0700

On Tuesday 21 May 2002 04:34 pm, Aahz wrote:
> On Tue, May 21, 2002, Skip Montanaro wrote:
> >     aahz> * The system should be remotely scriptable from Python (that
> > is, I aahz>   should be able to have a Python script that automatically
> > aahz>   creates a bug report and uploads the files for me)
> >
> > This would be easy with XML-RPC (much easier than using urllib or httplib
> > to submit to a plain old web server).
> "Would be" or "is"?  I.e., does Roundup currently support this?

It does not.  However, it does supply an email interface for the
creation and modification of issues.  One could write a local python
script which creates and sends an email to the tracking session.

By creating an eamil with the proper keywords in the subject line and
one or more mime multipart attachements one can:

 * Create an issue with specific fields, a message, and attached files.
 * Add to the discussion (message list) or list of attached files
 * Modify any of the fields (priority, assigned-to, status, platform ...)

All these actions (of course), and more can be performed via the web

Further, all admin operations can be performed from a command line
interface, and presumably with python scripts run on the host machine.
I would guess that it would not be hard to provide an XML-RPC
interface to this, but such a thing may not be necessary given that
the most common operations can be conducted via e-mail.

Gary Herron