[Python-Dev] pymalloc killer

Tim Peters tim.one@comcast.net
Sat, 30 Mar 2002 03:07:50 -0500

> I'm trying to cater to allocating via PyMem_{MALLOC, Malloc} then
> free'ing via _PyMalloc_Free.

> Is *that* the motivation?

One of them.

> I thought you were trying to accommodate your killer.py where Python
> code can trick pymalloc into believing that it owned the memory which
> it actually had allocated by forwarding to system malloc

That's another one.  There are only two, so we can stop now <wink>.

> (see the subject).

That came from the first msg in the thread.  The second msg in the thread
came a couple days later, and broadened the scope at its start:


It was too easy to *just* fix killer.py <wink>.