[Python-Dev] Hi!

Skip Montanaro python-help@python.org
Thu, 28 Mar 2002 17:00:28 -0600

(help@python.org would be a better place to take these sorts of questions.)

    Terry> I am seriously considering Python, Tkinter and MySQL for an
    Terry> application project.  I have it running on linux and Win98.  My
    Terry> questions are, does this sound viable for an accounting
    Terry> application?  Can I give it a similar look and feel to existing
    Terry> Windows GUI apps?

Yes.  No.  How's that for brevity? ;-)

Yes, you can develop financial and/or database applications using Python.
Tkinter is a reasonable wrapper around the Tk widget set, but Tk doesn't
give you a native look-n-feel on Windows.  You might consider wxPython or
-- built on top of it -- PythonCard:


wxPython is a wrapper around wxWindows:


PythonCard is a project to build a Hypercard-like tool for Python.

Skip Montanaro (skip@pobox.com - http://www.mojam.com/)