[Python-Dev] Use of PyArg_NoArgs()

Guido van Rossum guido@python.org
Mon, 25 Mar 2002 15:52:19 -0500

> I don't know how to fix the other 2:
> Objects/fileobject.c:   {"readinto", METH_OLDARGS, 

This seems a simple case of replacing PyArg_Parse with

> Python/sysmodule.c:     {"exit",     METH_OLDARGS, 

This one *appears* tricky.  But in fact, changing it to METH_VARARGS
should work just as well (I think).

> nis should be testable by someone.

Or deprecated.  I've never met somebody who used it.

> On a related note, PyArg_GetInt() macro is used exactly one time--
> in socketmodule.c  There seem to be many more places where this
> could be used.  Should I use or remove the macro?  Or doc
> that it should not be used?

It's deprecated, just as PyArg_NoArgs().  Now's a good time to get rid
of the last usage instance.

--Guido van Rossum (home page: http://www.python.org/~guido/)