[Python-Dev] Breaking bug #411881 into manageable pieces

Tim Peters tim.one@comcast.net
Wed, 20 Mar 2002 14:30:00 -0500

> One observation in the bug report is that at least KeyboardInterrupt
> needs to get a chance to get through, making bare except clauses evil
> under almost any circumstance.

Good point.  I'll change doctest, in the specific way Guido suggested.

> That would explain why sometimes I have to hit ^C twice to kill the
> test suite.

Partly, but a minor effect:  there aren't enough doctest'ed pieces in the
test suite to account for much of that.  It's definitely the cause if you
just run test_generators.py in a loop <wink>.  Recall one of Skip's original

    * Not worth fixing, because the except: occurs in situations that
      would not affect application code (such as in module tests).