[Python-Dev] A Hygienic Macro System in Python?

Michael Hudson mwh@python.net
19 Mar 2002 09:11:19 +0000

"Neil Hodgson" <nhodgson@bigpond.net.au> writes:

>    My use case, which I don't think is achievable with simple
> macros, is design-by-contract. Method preconditions and
> postconditions look easy, but inserting class invariant checks would
> be much harder.

You can do this with metaclasses, can't you?


  Also, remember to put the galaxy back when you've finished, or an
  angry mob of astronomers will come round and kneecap you with a
  small telescope for littering. 
       -- Simon Tatham, ucam.chat, from Owen Dunn's review of the year