[Python-Dev] Next version of PEP278 - universal newline support - available

Skip Montanaro skip@pobox.com
Thu, 14 Mar 2002 11:26:13 -0600

    Guido> I wonder if it would make sense to put a warning when people use
    Guido> f.read(n) on a file opened in text mode?  I think f.read(n) is an
    Guido> almost sure sign that they're seeing the file as binary data.
    Guido> However, f.read() or f.read(-1) is used to slurp in text as well,
    Guido> so should not trigger the warning.

    Guido> Opinions?

Pass this off to PyChecker?

I guess with the presence of PyChecker I'm getting a bit schizophrenic about
whether warnings go in the Python byte compiler or in PyChecker.  It warns
about so many more things now than the compiler as it stands that it seems
to me to be the more natural place to stick new warnings.
