[Python-Dev] Fw: [boost] GDTL - Time Library (Version 052) -- Request for review

David Abrahams David Abrahams" <david.abrahams@rcn.com
Mon, 11 Mar 2002 23:21:49 -0500

For what it's worth to you...

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jeff Garland" <jeff@crystalclearsoftware.com>
To: <boost@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Monday, March 11, 2002 11:12 PM
Subject: [boost] GDTL - Time Library (Version 052) -- Request for review

> All -
> I have uploaded a second GDTL submission which now includes both a
> date system and a time system as well.  The time system has
> resolution with no built in adjustments for time zones or leap
seconds.  I
> expect we will eventually add other time systems that handle these
> However the current library should cover a wide variety of
applications and will
> be plenty to review.
> Here are some usage examples from the docs:
> using namespace gregorian;
> using namespace posix_time;
> date d(2002,Feb,1); //an arbitrary date
> ptime t1(d, hours(5)+nanosec(100));//date + time of day offset
> ptime t2 = t1 - minutes(4)+seconds(2);
> ptime now = second_clock::local_time(); //use the clock
> //Get the date part out of the time
> date today = now.date();
> date tommorrow = today + date_duration(1);
> ptime tommorrow_start(tommorrow); //midnight tommorrow
> //starting at current time iterator adds by one hour
> time_iterator titr(now,hours(1));
> for (; titr < tommorrow_start; ++titr) {
>    std::cout << to_simple_string(*titr) << std::endl;
> }
> //convert a utc time to a local time using the TZ settings of the
> typedef gdtl::local_adjustor<ptime> local_adj;
> ptime t10(date(2002,Jan,1), hours(7)); //the utc time
> ptime t11 = local_adj::utc_to_local(t10);
> The files including extensive test programs and examples can be found
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/boost/files/GDTL/
> The package includes an overview documentation page, but most of the
> documentation remains online at:
> http://www.crystalclearsoftware.com/gdtl/gdtl_ref_guide/index.html
> As for compilers, this code has compiled and tested against BCC5.1.1,
> Linux, gcc2.95-3 cygwin, and gcc2.95.3 Linux.  MSVC7 RC2 has some
errors in utc
> to local conversion templates, but is mostly ok.  MSVC6 is likely
similar to
> MSVC7 based on experience with previous versions.
> Jeff