[Python-Dev] Boolean transition

Christian Tismer tismer@tismer.com
Tue, 12 Mar 2002 01:13:37 +0100

Tim Peters wrote:

>>>    days_in_year = 365 + is_leap(year)
> [Greg Ewing]
>>This is bug-prone, because it relies on is_leap always
>>returning a "normalised" boolean value.

>>and similarly
>>  days_in_year = 365 + 1 if is_leap(year) else 0
>>(Yes, I know that one's already been rejected. I can't stop
>>liking it, though...)
> Heh.  I immediately read that as
>     days_in_year = (365 + 1) if is_leap(year) else 0
> I'm old enough to wish reality played along <wink>.

If I would calculate my age using the above formula, it would
be about 34. A fountain of youth!

best - chris

Christian Tismer             :^)   <mailto:tismer@tismer.com>
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