[Python-Dev] Two developer candidates

Guido van Rossum guido@python.org
Sat, 09 Mar 2002 09:33:40 -0500

> I've received just two requests from people to become developers:
>     Jeff Bauer (jeff@rubic.com)
>     Bernard Yue (bernie@3captus.com)
> Jeff I know personally, as the Developer's Day chair and the WinCE port
> maintainer.  I don't know Bernie though I recognized his name.  The posts I
> saw from him on google were all answers to questions other people had.  Sort
> of looked like a mini-python-help archive.  Bernie is the chief architect at
> 3captus in Hong Kong.  They produce a product in Python that takes data
> feeds from other sources and creates XML-RPC or SOAP servers that can be
> used to generate subscription-based services.
> I don't have a problem with either Jeff or Bernie being granted developer
> privileges.  Feel free to add your two cents.

Great!  I have one reservation, but maybe I should be talked out of
it: I don't recall seeing patches submitted to SF by either of these.
Maybe we need to give them a trial period where they submit their work
to SF first?  Soon enough we'll see if they're worth giving commit
privileges based upon the volume of their output.

Or am I being too conservative?  It could be that the chore of
uploading to SF is enough of a deterrent to make these good folks
unproductive...  Chicken or egg, really.  Should we just go for it?

--Guido van Rossum (home page: http://www.python.org/~guido/)