[Python-Dev] Moving bugs and patches through the pipeline more quickly

Skip Montanaro skip@pobox.com
Fri, 8 Mar 2002 07:15:45 -0600

I wrote a little script last night that scrapes all the open bugs from SF,
compares them with those in a local MySQL database and reports on those that
have been opened or closed since the last time the script was run.  Output
looks like

    New Bugs

    httplib: multiple Set-Cookie headers

    __cdecl / __stdcall unspecified in *.h

    xml.AttributesImpl: __setitem__ undef.

    telnetlib in debug mode

    unicode() docs don't mention LookupError

The Closed Bugs section is formatted in a similar fashion but nothing's been
closed since I ran it for the last time last night.  Note that I'm using
Michael's bug redirector because its URLs are shorter.

I plan to also add the same capability for patches.  I realize this probably
overlaps badly with Jeremy's scraper, but are there people who are
interested in seeing summaries like this?  If so, are there enough people
interested in this that I should send it to an existing list like
python-checkins, or should I create a separate list?
