[Python-Dev] Moving bugs and patches through the pipeline more quickly

Tim Peters tim.one@comcast.net
Wed, 06 Mar 2002 21:31:04 -0500

[Skip Montanaro]
> ...
> The first expansion from the original five to roughly the current
> crop of developers wasn't terribly difficult, because for the most
> part Guido et al either knew them personally ...

I have a more depressing reason for that, but that's the way reality works
sometimes:  most of the people with CVS write access ("Python developers")
are wholly inactive in any given month, and indeed some have never done a
checkin, reviewed a patch, or even commented on a bug.  Managing lots of
developers is easy when "developer" is just a word on a web page <wink>.

I'd rather we had an opposite problem, but I'm afraid capable volunteers who
can make time enough-- and care enough --to do this oft-tedious work are
going to remain rare.  In the meantime, if we could just get each of the
current developers to close one bug per year, we could close 3,900 bugs over
the next century <wink>.