[Python-Dev] Utopian String Interpolation

Paul Svensson paul@svensson.org
Tue, 15 Jan 2002 16:15:18 -0500 (EST)

On Tue, 15 Jan 2002, Paul Prescod wrote:

>I think that if we're going to do string interpolation we might as go
>all of the way and have one unified string interpolation model.

Nice pie in the sky; my comments inserted below.

> 1. There should be no string-prefix. Instead the string \$ should be
>magical in all non-raw literal strings as \x, \n etc. are. (if you want
>to do string interpolation on a raw string, you could do it using the
>method version below)

+1 on no prefix, -0 on \$.
To my eyes, \(whatever) looks much cleaner, tho I'm not sure how
that would work with the evaluate_expressions flag in (5).

> 2. There should be a transition period where literal strings containing
>"\$" are flagged. This is likely rare but may occur here and there. And
>by the way, unused \-sequences should probably be proactively reserved
>now instead of silently "failing" as they do today. What's the use of
>making "\" special if sometimes it isn't special?

+1 on making undefined \-sequences raise SyntaxError.

> 3. I think that it would be clearest if any expression other than a
>simple variable name required "\$(parens.around.it())". But that's a
>minor decision.

+1 on parens, but see my comments to (1).

> 4. Between the $-sign and the opening paren, it should be possible to
>put a C-style formatting specification. 
>"pi = \$5.3f(math.pi)". 
>There is no reason to force people to switch to a totally different
>language feature to get that functionality. I never use it myself but
>presume that scientists do!

Eek -- feeping creaturism.  -2.
The only reason to add this here is to be able to remove the % operator
on strings, and I'm not convinced that is the right way to go.
Anyways, this just begs to be spelled something like \%5.3f(math.pi).
Printf-like format specifications without a %-character seems just weird.

> 5. The interpolation functionality is useful enough to be available for
>use on runtime-generated strings. But at runtime it should have a
>totally different syntax. Now that Python has string methods it is clear
>that "%" could (and IMO should) have been implemented that way:
>newstr = mystr.interp(variabledict, evaluate_expressions=0)
>By default evaluate_expressions is turned off. That means that all it
>does is look up variables in the dictionary and insert them into the
>string where it seems \$. If you want full interpretation behaviour you
>would flip the evaluate_expressions switch. May Guido have mercy on your

-0.  Here I think is a good place to draw the line before the returns
diminish too far.  I see the major part of the usefulness of string
interpolation coming from compile time usage, and that also nicely matches
how all other \-sequences are handled.
