[Python-Dev] sourceforge: where should feature requests go?

Jason R. Mastaler jason-dated-1011483144.4be859@mastaler.com
Fri, 11 Jan 2002 16:32:22 -0700

"Tim Peters" <tim.one@home.com> writes:

> Fair warning: feature requests usually don't go anywhere unless
> somebody volunteers a patch (comprising code, doc, and test suite
> changes) implementing the request.


> If you're not in a position to do that yourself, it can be helpful
> to discuss what you want on comp.lang.python too (in the hope that
> somebody else gets inspired to do it).

I do have a FR (#499529) that hasn't gone anywhere, but I did
volunteer a patch, I just had a question about method naming that
needed answering, so I haven't attached anything yet.  And of course,
you might not even be interested in including such a feature which was
another reason to hold off.

(TMDA (http://tmda.sourceforge.net/) 
(UCE intrusion prevention in Python)