Large file system support in 2.1.2 (was Re: [Python-Dev] release for 2.1.2, plus 2.2.1...)

Martin v. Loewis
Sat, 5 Jan 2002 06:53:50 +0100

> >>>>> "Fred" == Fred L Drake, Jr <> writes:
>     Fred>   Or it used to work -- that's how I remember it as well.
>     Fred> Perhaps we should fix this.  
> It looks like OPT propagates in Python2.2-cvs, e.g. try:
>     % OPT=-g ./configure
> So maybe it's just a bug in release21-maint.
>     Fred> Feel free to file a bug report and assign it to me.
> Done.

Before changing the documentation, I'd like to understand the problem
Barry is seeing first, or I'd like to hear independent confirmation
that the docs have a bug. Chris' report, in

is contradicting: On one hand, he says that following the
instructions, he got an interpreter that does LFS correctly; but he
also says that the compilation line is just

gcc -c -g -O2  -I. -I./Include -DHAVE_CONFIG_H  -o Objects/fileobject.o

which cannot possibly have the desired effect, AFAICT.
