[Python-Dev] release for 2.1.2, plus 2.2.1...

Barry A. Warsaw barry@zope.com
Fri, 4 Jan 2002 14:02:03 -0500

>>>>> "CM" == Chris McDonough <chrism@zope.com> writes:

    CM> I'm subscribed to the list, but I'm still not quite sure if
    CM> I'm supposed to be posting here... I suppose I should go read
    CM> the charter.  Please flame me if this list is for the "in
    CM> crowd" only. ;-)

You did fine, Chris! :)  Welcome.

    CM> I tried to get the 21-maintbranch LFS working using the
    CM> directions that are provided in the current docs
    CM> (http://www.python.org/doc/current/lib/posix-large-files.html),
    CM> but it fails to compile for me as a result.  Someone has
    CM> suggested that it's not the instructions that are broken, but
    CM> the code.  Can this be confirmed?

Confirmed.  The compilation errors can be fixed with the patch that
Martin sent around earlier in this thread.  So that probably ought to
be added to Python 2.1.2.  But the patch + the posix-large-file
instructions still don't enable large file support for me on glibc
2.2.4.  So something more is needed.

    CM> Because ZC is forced to stick with Python 2.1.X (as opposed to
    CM> 2.2.X) for the current crop of Zope releases, and because we
    CM> often need large file support under Zope, it's pretty
    CM> important for us to get a 2.1.X release under which LFS works.
    CM> A workaround is fine as well.

    CM> I don't think I have the knowhow to fix it, but if I can help
    CM> in any way by testing under various Linuxii, please let me
    CM> know.

I do plan to get back to this if nobody else fixes it in the
meantime, but I've got a couple of higher priority things to deal with
right now.

I'd say LFS in Python 2.1.2 should be a high priority.
