[Python-Dev] GC at exit?

Michael Hudson mwh@python.net
30 Dec 2002 10:58:01 +0000

Aahz <aahz@pythoncraft.com> writes:

> [Originally posted to comp.lang.python with no response; asking here
> before filing a bug report]
> Is garbage collection supposed to run when Python exits?  The following
> program does not print any output, unless I uncomment the gc.collect()
> (or add a for loop that forces GC after creating the cycle):
> import gc
> class A:
>     pass
> class B:
>     def __del__(self):
>         print "Bye-bye!"
> a = A()
> b = A()
> a.b = b
> b.a = a
> a.x = B()
> del a
> del b
> #gc.collect()

One possibility is that the __del__ method *is* being run, but after
sys.stdout & so on has been torn down.  python -v can help, maybe?


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