[Python-Dev] Python 2.3a1 release -- Dec 31

Samuele Pedroni pedronis@bluewin.ch
Thu, 26 Dec 2002 13:10:33 +0100

From: "Just van Rossum" <just@letterror.com>
> I wonder, though, how big a deal is this incompatibility? Can Jython
> load modules from .pyc files in zip files? Can CPython import modules
> from .jar files? In other words, can zip/jar files ever be shared
> between Jython and CPython?

the real problem is that in order to support this, if Jython/Python keep
__path__, Jython has to put different values in there wrt
to Python.

If __path__ goes deprecated then it's just a sys.path contents issue, so what
Jython does could be considered just a small extension.
