[Python-Dev] trace.py in std library?

Prabhu Ramachandran prabhu@aero.iitm.ernet.in
Thu, 12 Dec 2002 09:40:44 +0530

>>>>> "JH" == Jeremy Hylton <jeremy@alum.mit.edu> writes:

    JH> There's a trace.py script sitting in Tools/scripts that works
    JH> when imported.  I used it today to add code coverage to Zope's
    JH> test runner script.  It took about 30 min. (mostly fixing bugs
    JH> in trace.py) and seems to work pretty well.

    JH> Why don't we put this script in the std library so it can
    JH> actually be imported?

FWIW I wrote a yet another trace.py script that I occasionally use to
look at call graphs.  Its pretty simple code and I have no idea how it
compares to Skip's version.  I do believe that I wrote to Skip about
my code a long while ago but can't remember what he said or if he said
anything at all.  My version pretty prints the call graph and indents
things to make things easier to read.  There is no 'coverage' class or
anything that gives you stats.  There are a few options which are
fairly well documented.  If you are interested maybe you can take a
look here:


There is also a test suite for the code in that directory
