[Python-Dev] trace.py in std library?

Delaney, Timothy tdelaney@avaya.com
Thu, 12 Dec 2002 11:46:14 +1100

> From: Jeremy Hylton [mailto:jeremy@alum.mit.edu]
> >>>>> "TD" == Timothy Delaney <Delaney> writes:
>   TD> But I don't think it's a candidate yet. Among other things, the
>   TD> tracing functionality is not hooked into each new thread. Not an
>   TD> issue for my current project (which must run single-threaded due
>   TD> to being invoked inside something that must run in a single
>   TD> thread) but it is an issue for a version in the standard
>   TD> library.
> Maybe you should checkin what you have now.  If it's at least as
> functional as trace.py, then it's an improvement over what we've got
> in the std library now.  You/we can improve it as 2.3 development
> proceeds. 

Ooh - believe me - you don't want to see the code as it is now. Yuk! Needs
some major cleanup (esp. after the hacking I've done to make it work with
Jython). No way I would check something that disgusting in where other
people could see it ;)

Unfortunately, I'm really busy right now. Maybe I'll get to spend some time
on it over my 2-week break coming up.

Plus as I said, I need to check with my employer - it has been partially
developed on company time, and for a company project. Maybe I can get it
into my goals and objectives ;)

I should use the sandbox though. Unfortunately, I can't compile 2.3 at home
... MinGW still doesn't work, and I don't have a BSD or Linux box set up
(the only available machine is currently serving as my internet gateway
until I fix another machine).

Tim Delaney