[Python-Dev] Re: New and Improved Import Hooks

Delaney, Timothy tdelaney@avaya.com
Wed, 4 Dec 2002 13:36:52 +1100

> From: Shane Holloway (IEEE) [mailto:shane.holloway@ieee.org]
> Expanding upon Tim 
> Delaney's desires to include importing from tar files and internet 
> references,

Hey - I didn't say *I* wanted this (they came from other posts ;) but it's
an obvious extension ...

> consider being able to extend this mechanism to importing 
> from an XML document, database of modules, bz2 files, and 
> even encrypted 
> collections,

As are all of these.

I think if the import mechanism is going to be changed, it should be changed
so as to be flexible. The fact that such a change is also (IMO) a much
cleaner approach is icing.

Tim Delaney