[Python-Dev] Adding Optik to 2.3 standard library

Gustavo Niemeyer niemeyer@conectiva.com
Fri, 12 Apr 2002 14:25:15 -0300

> A while ago, Greg Ward proposed to add his all-singing-all-dancing
> option parse, Optik, to the standard library.  He's just released
> version 1.3 and thinks it's ready.  According to Greg, the getopt-sig
> likes Optik.
> This seems just the kind of thing to add to 2.3 without causing
> complaints about the rate of language change from the user base.

+1. This will boost development of command line parsing algorithms. I'm
missing something like this for a long time.

Btw, is there any intention of including python-bz2? If so, it should be
checked out in those platforms I have no access to.

Gustavo Niemeyer

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