[Python-Dev] PEP 287: reStructuredText Standard Docstring Format

Samuele Pedroni pedroni@inf.ethz.ch
Thu, 4 Apr 2002 22:15:35 +0200

> The only thing I found relevant in the PEP are
> (does this fact means something?):
>     - Markup that isolates a Python identifier: interpreted text.
>     - Markup that isolates a Python identifier and specifies its type:
>       interpreted text with roles.

Ok there's another relevant bit:

    - Markup for "tagged lists" or "label lists": field lists.

      ... They may be used to implement docstring
      semantics, such as identifying parameters, exceptions raised,
      etc.; such usage is beyond the scope of this PEP.

how many eons would pass before we see a PEP about
those *relevant* issues? Presumably JavaDoc is a good
start point for this <wink>.

More or less JavaDoc tags would map to fields, except @see
and @link that would use `interp-text` and
the various ref/links forms.
