[Python-Dev] [UPDATE] PEP 274, Dict Comprehensions

Barry A. Warsaw barry@zope.com
Mon, 29 Oct 2001 14:22:58 -0500

>>>>> "TP" == Tim Peters <tim.one@home.com> writes:

    TP> BTW, and not meaning to hijack your PEP <wink>, should
    TP> dict.update() accept such an argument too?  I didn't add it
    TP> because

    TP>     d.update(dictionary(such_an_argument))

    TP> seemed "almost good enough".

Agreed.  But either way, I still there there is utility in a dict

    TP> BTW2, are we going to rename "dictionary" to "dict" before
    TP> 2.2b2?  Before 2.2, "dict" was universally used on c.l.py to
    TP> mean dictionary, and I'm at least +0 on adopting that for
    TP> official 2.2 use.

I wouldn't keep them both though.  Use one or the other.
