[Python-Dev] Re: Proposal for a modified import mechanism.

Michael McLay mclay@erols.com
Sun, 11 Nov 2001 10:45:35 -0500

 mal> will have to be a read-only type (e.g. a read-only
 mal> dictionary).
SM>There was discussion once upon a time about adding a read-write flag to
SM>dictionaries to prevent modification during sensitive times.  I gather
SM> lists already have such a flag to allow in-place sorting to work.

The member description returned by addmembers() allows types to be specified 
for an attribute. It would be trivial to  add another flag to mark the member 
as read only.  You could also add methods to the PyExtendedMemberDescrObject 
to allow the state to be turned on at the begining of the switch and off at 
the end of the switch.