[Python-Dev] FAQ 4.98 should point to Tim's FP tutorial section

Tim Peters tim@zope.com
Thu, 8 Nov 2001 12:20:02 -0500

[Skip Montanaro]
> If someone remembers when the time comes,

You're elected by unanimous acclaim <wink>.

> FAQ question 4.98 should probably refer to the new tutorial section Tim
> wrote on floating point.  I went to make the change but realized I can't
> really point to it yet (it's still only available in the less permanent
> development docs)

I expect the URL is more stable than you might guess -- it wiil also be in
future versions of the development docs, and node numbers in the Tutorial
don't change often.

> and am conveniently blanking on the FAQ wizard password... (spam?
> inquisition? ???) :-(

It's the same as your name, except the fourth letter is moved to the second
position, and "ki" is replaced by "am".

Spam-hinting-ly y'rs  - caseful tim