[Python-Dev] Classes and Metaclasses in Smalltalk

Guido van Rossum guido@digicool.com
Wed, 02 May 2001 10:03:37 -0500

> > The best rule I can think of so far is that DictType.__dict__ gives
> > the *true* set of attribute descriptors for dictionary objects, and is
> > thus similar to Smalltalks's class.methodDict that Jim describes
> > below.  DictType.foo is a shortcut that can resolve to either
> > DictType.__dict__['foo'] or to an attribute (maybe a method) of
> > DictType described in TypeType.__dict__['foo'], whichever is defined.
> > If both are defined, I propose the following, clumsy but backwards
> > compatible rule: if DictType.__dict__['foo'] describes a method, it
> > wins.  Otherwise, TypeType.__dict__['foo'] wins.

> I'm not sure I can follow you here: DictType.__repr__ is the
> representation method of the dictionary and not inherited
> from TypeType, so there should be no problem.

The problem is that both a dictionary object (call it d) and its type
(DictType) have a __repr__ method: repr(d) returns "d", and
repr(DictType) returns "<type 'dictionary'>".

Given the analogy with classes, where str(x) invokes x.__str__() and
x.__str__() can also be called directly, it is not unreasonable to
expect that this works in general, so that repr(d) can be spelled as


and repr(DictType) as


And, given another analogy with classes, where x.foo() is equivalent
to x.__class__.foo(x), the two forms above should also be equivalent




But since d.__class__ is DictType, we now have two conflicting ways to
derive a meaning for DictType.__repr__: the first one going

    repr(DictType) => DictType.__repr__()

and the second one going

    repr(d) => d.__class__.__repr__(d) => DictType.__repr__(d)

The rule quoted above chooses the second meaning, from the very
pragmatic point that once I allow subclassing from DictType, such a
subclass might very well want to override __repr__ to wrap the base
class __repr__, and the conventional way to reference that (barring
the implementation of 'super') is DictType.__repr__.  Direct
invocation of an object's own __repr__ method as x.__repr__() is much
les common.  The implementation of repr(x) can do the right thing,
which is to look for x.__class__.__dict__['__repr__'].

> The problem with the misleading error message would only show
> up in case DictType does not define a __repr__ method. Then the
> inherited one from TypeType would come into play and cause
> the problem you mention above.

No, the issue is not inheritance: I haven't implemented inheritance
yet.  DictType is an instance of TypeType but doesn't inherit from it.

> Thinking in terms of meta-classes, I believe we should implement
> this mechanism in the meta-class (TypeType in this case). Its
> __getattr__() will have to decide whether or not to expose its
> own methods and attributes or not.

That's exactly how I solved it: type_getattro() implements the rule
quoted at the top.

> The only catch here is that currently instances and classes have
> control of whether and how to bind found functions as methods or not.
> We should  probably change that to pass complete control over to the
> meta-class object and remove the special control flows currently found
> in instance_getattr2() and class_lookup().

Um, yeah, that's where I think this will end up causing more trouble.

Right now, if x is an instance, some attributes like x.__class__ and
x.__dict__ special-cased in instance_getattr().  The mechanism I
propose removes the need for (most of) such special cases, and instead
allows the class to provide "descriptors" for instance attributes.
So, for example, if instances of a class C have an attribute named
foo, C.__dict__['foo'] contains the descriptor for that attribute, and
that is how the implementation decides how to interpret x.foo
(assuming x is an instance of C).  We may be able to access this same
descriptor as C.foo, but that's really only important for backwards
compatibility with the way classes work today.

> In general, I think that meta-classes should not expose their
> attributes to the class objects they create, since this causes
> way to many problems.

I agree.

> Perhaps I'm oversimplifying things here, but I have a feeling that
> we can go a long way by actually trying to see meta-classes as
> first class members in the interpreter design and moving all the
> binding and lookup mechanisms over to this object type. The special
> casing should then take place in the meta-class rather than its
> creations.

Yes, that's where I'm heading!

--Guido van Rossum (home page: http://www.python.org/~guido/)