FW: FW: [Python-Dev] Simple generator implementation

Uche Ogbuji uche.ogbuji@fourthought.com
Tue, 20 Mar 2001 21:23:01 -0700

> [Uche Ogbuji]
> > Quite interesting.  I brought up this *exact* point at the
> > Stackless BOF at IPC9.  I mentioned that the immediate reason
> > I was interested in Stackless was to supercharge the efficiency
> > of 4XSLT.  I think that a stackless 4XSLT could pretty much
> > annihilate the other processors in the field for performance.
> Hmm.  I'm interested in clarifying the cost/performance boundaries of the
> various approaches.  I don't understand XSLT (I don't even know what it is).
> Do you grok the difference between full-blown Stackless and Icon-style
> generators?

To a decent extent, based on reading your posts carefully.

> The correspondent I quoted believed the latter were on-target
> for XSLT work, and given the way Python works today generators are easier to
> implement than full-blown Stackless.  But while I can speak with some
> confidence about the latter, I don't know whether they're sufficient for what
> you have in mind.

Based on a discussion with Christian at IPC9, they are.  I should have been 
more clear about that.  My main need is to be able to change a bit of context 
and invoke a different execution path, without going through the full overhead 
of a function call.  XSLT, if written "naturally", tends to involve huge 
numbers of such tweak-context-and-branch operations.

> If this is some flavor of one-at-time tree-traversal algorithm, generators
> should suffice.
> class TreeNode:
>     # with self.value
>     #      self.children, a list of TreeNode objects
>     ...
>     def generate_kids(self):  # pre-order traversal
>         suspend self.value
>         for kid in self.children:
>             for itskids in kid.generate_kids():
>                 suspend itskids
> for k in someTreeNodeObject.generate_kids():
>     print k
> So the control-flow is thoroughly natural, but you can only suspend to your
> immediate invoker (in recursive traversals, this "walks up the chain" of
> generators for each result).  With explicitly resumable generator objects,
> multiple trees (or even general graphs -- doesn't much matter) can be
> traversed in lockstep (or any other interleaving that's desired).
> Now decide <wink>.

Suspending only to the invoker should do the trick because it is typically a 
single XSLT instruction that governs multiple tree-operations with varied 

At IPC9, Guido put up a poll of likely use of stackless features, and it was a 
pretty clear arithmetic progression from those who wanted to use microthreads, 
to those who wanted co-routines, to those who wanted just generators.  The 
generator folks were probably 2/3 of the assembly.  Looks as if many have 
decided, and they seem to agree with you.

Uche Ogbuji                               Principal Consultant
uche.ogbuji@fourthought.com               +1 303 583 9900 x 101
Fourthought, Inc.                         http://Fourthought.com 
4735 East Walnut St, Ste. C, Boulder, CO 80301-2537, USA
Software-engineering, knowledge-management, XML, CORBA, Linux, Python