[Python-Dev] Those import related syntax errors again...

Jeremy Hylton jeremy@alum.mit.edu
Wed, 21 Feb 2001 17:32:59 -0500 (EST)

>>>>> "SM" == Skip Montanaro <skip@mojam.com> writes:

  Jeremy> The question, then, is whether some amount of incompatible
  Jeremy> change is acceptable in the 2.1 release.

  SM> I think of 2.1 as a minor release.  Minor releases generally
  SM> equate in my mind with bug fixes, not significant functionality
  SM> changes or potential compatibility problems.  I think many other
  SM> people feel the same way.

Fair enough.  It sounds like you are concerned, on general grounds,
about incompatible changes and the specific exec/import issues aren't
any more or less important than the other compatibility issues.

I don't think I agree with you, but I'll sit on it for a few days and
see what real problem reports there are.

thinking-there-will-be-lots-to-talk-about-at-the-conference-ly y'rs,