[Python-Dev] PEPS, version control, release intervals

M.-A. Lemburg mal@lemburg.com
Thu, 08 Feb 2001 12:35:22 +0100

Uche Ogbuji wrote:
> > Does this mean that doing CORBA et al. with Python 2.0 is
> > currently not possible ?
> >
> > I will have a need for this starting this summer (along with SOAP
> > and XML), so I'd be willing to help out. Who should I contact ?
> No.  You can use OmniORBpy as long as you're careful not to mix your strings
> with your unicode objects.

Good news :-) Thanks.
> I don't know the tale of SOAP.  soaplib seems stuck at 0.8.  Not that I blame
> anyone: the experience of hacking a subset of SOAP into 4Suite Server left me
> in a bad mood for days.  Someone was tanked when they came up with that.
> XML is rather an odd man out in your list.  Do you mean custom XML over HTTP
> or somesuch?

Well, for one SOAP is XML-based and I am planning to add full 
XML support to our application server this summer (still waiting
for the dust to settle :-). The reason for trying to support SOAP
is that some very important legacy system vendors (e.g. SAP)
are moving into this direction.

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Company:                                        http://www.egenix.com/
Consulting:                                    http://www.lemburg.com/
Python Pages:                           http://www.lemburg.com/python/