[Python-Dev] Case sensitive import

Tim Peters tim.one@home.com
Sat, 3 Feb 2001 01:46:08 -0500

[Dan Wolfe]
> It's been suggested (eg pyCore).... and shot down.... uhh, IIRC, due
> to "millions and millions of Python developers" (thanks Tim! <wink>)
> who don't want to change their directory structures and the fact that
> nobody wanted to lose the CVS log files/do the clean up...

Don't thank me, thank Bill Gates for creating a wonderful operating system
where I get to ignore *all* the 57-varieties-of-Unix build headaches.
That's the only reason I'm so cheerful about supporting unbounded damage to
everyone else.  But, it's a good reason <wink>.

BTW, I didn't grok the CVS argument.  You don't change the name of the
directory, you change the name of the executable.  And the obvious name is
obvious to me:  python.exe <wink>.

no-need-to-rewrite-history-ly y'rs  - tim