[Python-Dev] test_quopri is iso-latin-1 centric

Tim Peters tim.one@home.com
Fri, 3 Aug 2001 16:32:45 -0400

IIRC, I checked in test_quopri.py without noticing this (although I did
notice that it relied on significant trailing whitespace!), so I'll fix it
as penance.

Note that the C std says the result of writing a text-mode file is *defined*
only if the characters written are in range(32, 127) (note:  chr(127) isn't
suppoted) plus tab and newline.  Also that space characters before a newline
may disappear, and that the last line written must terminate with a newline.
Jack's bad experience is one example of why the std says all this stuff.

iow-c-text-mode-is-useless<wink>-ly y'rs  - tim