[Python-Dev] forwarded message from noreply@sourceforge.net

Tim Peters tim_one@email.msn.com
Wed, 20 Sep 2000 20:19:41 -0400

[Barry A. Warsaw]
> For those of you who may not have received this message, please be
> aware that SourceForge will have scheduled downtime this Friday night
> until Saturday morning.

... This move will take place on Friday night( Sept 22nd) at 10pm and
    continue to 8am Saturday morning (Pacific Standard Time).  During
    this time the site will be off-line as we make the physical change.

Looks to me like they started 30 hours early!  SF has been down more than up
all day, by my account.

So, for recreation in our idly desperate moments, let me recommend a quick
read, and especially to our friends at BeOpen, ActiveState and Secret Labs:

    "Savor the Unmarketed Moment"
    "Marketers are drawn to money as surely as maggots were drawn
    to aforementioned raccoon ...
    The Bazaar is about to be blanketed with smog emitted by the
    Cathedral's smokestacks.  Nobody will be prevented from doing
    whatever he or she was doing before, but the oxygen level will
    be dropping and visibility will be impaired."

gasping-a-bit-from-the-branding-haze-himself<0.5-wink>-ly y'rs  - tim