[Python-Dev] Towards native fileevents in Python (Was Re: Python multiplexing is too hard)

Alexandre Ferrieux alexandre.ferrieux@cnet.francetelecom.fr
Tue, 23 May 2000 11:54:31 +0200

Ka-Ping Yee wrote:
> On Tue, 23 May 2000, Alexandre Ferrieux wrote:
> >
> > Great !!! That's exactly the kind of Pythonic translation I was
> > expecting. Thanks !
> Here's a straw man.  <watcher.py>

Nice. Now what's left to do is make select.select() truly

> So is there no way to register more than one callback on a
> particular file?

Nope - it's considered the responsibility of higher layers.

> Do you ever find yourself wanting to do that?

Seldom, but it happened to me once, and I did exactly that: a layer
