[Python-Dev] scp to sourceforge

Guido van Rossum guido@digicool.com
Thu, 28 Dec 2000 12:08:18 -0500

I've seen a thread on this but there was no conclusive answer, so I'm
reopening this.

I can't SCP updated PEPs to the SourceForge machine.  The "pep2html.py
-i" command just hangs.  I can ssh into shell.sourceforge.net just
fine, but scp just hangs.  "scp -v" prints a bunch of things
suggesting that it can authenticate itself just fine, ending with
these three lines:

  cj20424-a.reston1.va.home.com: RSA authentication accepted by server.
  cj20424-a.reston1.va.home.com: Sending command: scp -v -t .
  cj20424-a.reston1.va.home.com: Entering interactive session.

and then nothing.  It just sits there.

Would somebody please figure out a way to update the PEPs?  It's kind
of pathetic to see the website not have the latest versions...

--Guido van Rossum (home page: http://www.python.org/~guido/)