[Python-Dev] scp with SourceForge

Tim Peters tim.one@home.com
Wed, 20 Dec 2000 15:53:38 -0500

[Tim, quoting a bit of immortal SF support prose]
>     TP> So there you go: scp files to the shell server from external
>     TP> hosts to the shell server whilst logged in to the shell server
>     TP> <wink>.

> Psheesh, /that/ was obvious.  Did you even have to ask?

Actually, isn't this easy to do on Linux?  That is, run an ssh server
(whatever) on your home machine, log in to the SF shell (which everyone
seems able to do), then

   scp  whatever  your_home_IP_address:your_home_path

from the SF shell?  Heck, I can even get that to work on Windows, except I
don't know how to set up anything on my end to accept the connection <wink>.

>     TP> Is scp working for *anyone*???

> Nope, same thing happens to me; it just hangs.

That's good to know -- since nobody else mentioned this, Fred probably
figured he was unique.

not-that-he-isn't-it's-just-that-he's-not-ly y'rs  - tim